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Sell More Roofing Jobs With Less Work...

Roofing Estimator Pro Professional Software

Best Quality Software To Run Your Roofing Business

Searching for Roofing Software

The New Breakthrough Discovery In Roofing Software Webbased Application.


Here's how to order:




YES DAVE! I want in.


I'd like to take your Roofing Estimator Pro Webbased Application Software for a 60 Day Risk Free Test Drive.

  • I understand that my purchase is backed by your 60 money back guarantee. If I'm not satisfied for any reason you will issue a refund to me but everything else with just a simple email.

  • I also understand this is a complete roofing business software with mobile apps, and does work with Mac or Apple computers.

  • I really need a roofing software and I will get training videos on how to use this software from start to finsh which are also included with your online training.

  • And finally I understand that by ordering today I lock in the special price of only $997 and $97/month for my NEW software Today!


50% Special Discount Today!

Only $997 and $97/month



This have been used by hundreds of roofing contractors, and has been called one of the best roofing software programs available for roofers in the past few years, and my satisfaction is guarranteed with my order today!

We want you to help you build a solid backend for your roofing business and it starts with roofing software.

All of the information to build this software has been added from a multi-million dollar roofing contractors.

I want you to use this enterprise class software to build your customer database and it will work... Guaranteed!

You susscess is what keeps our cutting edge programs growing, and until NOW only a smal fraction of roofer have had this type of roofing software for this increadable price of only $997.

A Completely Unheard Of Trick For Selling More Roofing Jobs...


Hi, I'm David and this is what happened to me at my office...

Later in this video I will share with you shocking, how bad things got!

However, this new system I'll share with you today will only Work If You Are Roofing Contractor That Wants To Sell More Roofing Jobs....

Curious? I'm sure. however, it will all make perfect sense to you in just a few minutes...

I'm asking you in behalf of your best interest to watch this presentation right now. Do that, and you'll walk away with tips to run your roofing business more efficiently...

The fastest way on earth to increase your Roofing Sales without Doing Any Additional Work...

Uncover the 3 most dangerous mistakes most roofing business owners make when trying to Grown Their Business...and how YOU can AVOID them

So pay close attention to this presentation, as there's something here for you.

I can't tell you how long I'll keep this presentation online or how much longer it will be free to watch...

So grab something to write with, and watch this now while you still can.

You may think you've tried it all, or seen all, when it comes to running a roofing business...

Yet I can guarantee that you've NEVER seen anything like what I'm about to reveal to you today...

And the LAST tip I'll share today, near the end, is the most power of them all so keep watching...

Remember: I'm about to share The single most critical thing that Sells More Roofing Jobs with you today and even more little-known tips to Working Less And Making More Money...

First, I feel the need to share a story with you that, frankly, makes me look like an idiot when it comes to Running A Roofing Business...

You'll see why I was reluctant to even include this story in about a minute, so stay with me...


You may think I've always been one of the world's top sources for Roofing Business Products, but that's hardly the case at all...

Thinking back, it was August 12, 2007...

It was really hot that summer. They guys were on the roof but our office and was roasting!

I had just put on another one of my company button up shirts on, to go onto another sales call...

I was with my new sales person, and he was in training for our new location.

So, here I was in Lewiston, Maine, of all places...

And to be honest, I was pretty excited feelings of anticipation were opening our second location...

Now, the story you're about to hear is pretty bad in places, but this was the experience that let me from an over extended roofer to a state of a successful roofing contractor and I think you want that, too...

I drove to the bank to to make payroll to pay the crews...

And then my worst fear came true:

I had overdrawn my bank business account by $18,351.25, and my checks we bouncing to all of my vendors...

I felt like I had hit rock bottom... and that I had failed to live up to the expectations of everyone who was counting on me...

I had to file Chapter #7 Bankruptcy because of the housing development I had invested in....

Nothing is worse than seeing all your property, trucks and equipment head for the auction block..."Loaded With All Your Tools"....

I decided at that very moment to make a change that would affect my life forever:

"I will NEVER, EVER take a chance like this again... and I will solve this financial loss or DIE TRYING!"

I promised myself I'd spend 24 hours a day, no matter what, perfecting a roofing business system that does NOT need an office full of people...

And thanks to that turning point, I uncovered THE secret technological formula and it's one that works for just about anyone... and works every time...

Please remember that, despite my success today when it comes to running a roofing business, I'm absolutely no different than you...

I'm just a guy who stumbled upon a really effective roofing business system...

This is a System that allows people just like us real, everyday men and women... to run their roofing business fro anywhere...

Discover what other roofing business owner are using, to create More sales and make Huge profits...

Prosperity and happiness in your life, without doing any extra work...

Achieve and experience more respect in your community as a roofing business expert...

Extreme and total confidence, and the ability to overcome any obstacle that, until NOW, may have been standing in your way...

This is the Exact system I've used to help generate Millions in Roofing Sales...

And it's the same exact roofing business system I'll be sharing with you today, so you can finally experience results like these for yourself!

I'm going to reveal the entire System within this presentation, so keep watching, yet before I do:

I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now:

This is a real-life conspiracy, a villain in a black hat if you will and it's the sole reason behind why you struggle with selling more roofing jobs...

And this is why Not Selling Every Job is not your fault although, after you see this, you'll know it's your responsibility to take action...

The shocking truth is that you've been lied to when it comes to how to making profits selling roofs, and those lies have all but destroyed your chances the success you desire and deserve...

You may have heard, or perhaps even believed at one point, that you have to be the lowest price in order to get the sale YET:

You know something? That's not true at all...

If you are one of the MILLIONS that have fell victim to this lie, then you need to decide now to accept the truth because:

If you don't, you'll Not Make Any Money in the roofing business...

You will end up Installing roofs Floundering for Pennies on the Dollar...

These lies are THE reason your struggling selling roofs is simply not your fault now, solving your selling techniques is as of today your responsibility but it has NOT been your fault...

Sometimes we tend to blame ourselves, but I'm asking you NOT to do that instead:

Put all the blame on the Media, Television Shows, Big Insurance Companies that tell you how much you are going to Make...

Think about it: for decades, you've been lied to by the Media, Big Insurance Companies, with false and misleading claims designed to rip you off...

And these guys are counting on your suffering and confusion to earn more profits, as they Buy Media Spots Everyday!

All that misinformation spread by Media is enough to confuse the smartest person alive and it confused me for years...

The lies that Insurance companies tells are so clever, SO convincing, that they fool the smartest of us, including me, I fell for all these lies for years...

One common problem that has been arising is when overhead and profit should be paid in response to a property insurance claim.

For those not aware, overhead and profit (generally estimated at 20% of the total amount of the estimate).

A case study done on Insurance Related Claims for "actual cash value" revealed that Big Insurance Companies are denying claims that should be paying "Contractor's Overhead and Profit"...

The truth and fact of the matter is you should never, 
Complete a roofing job that does 
Not include Overhead, Profit and Sales Tax...

The Absolute Worst Way of Running a roofing business is doing roofing jobs for the lowest price, All the Insurance companies by Media spots, Television Commercials that could causes you to lose money...How?

Astonishing because they control the Media, and they take control with Enormous budgets, and lobby in Congress to have laws past that Boost There Bottom Lines....

If you fall for No Payment of Overhead and Profit Conspiracy, you will end up Losing Money Or Worse Your Business...

Now that you know the problem…that your Loss Profits has been held back for years due to these lies...

Let's get right into the 3 tips I need to share with you today...

These are the exact same tips and tactics that countless thousands of Roofing Sales and used to see massive success Selling more roofing jobs, and making more money… the success you desire and deserve...

Just remember, I'll be sharing my most important, life-changing tip last - Closing More Roofs - so keep watching until the end...

I'll go into the specific of my Closing More Roofs tip in just a second, so by all means, keep watching...

First, you absolutely must know about making money in the roofing business is you HAVE TO AVOID meeting with only one home owner when estimating a roof, and it will surprise you:

Most roofing business owners believe, meeting with only one home owner is actually a good thing... however, this isn't true:

It's only GOOD to do single home owners roof estimate if you are getting paid for the roof inspection...

If you don't avoid this, you will experience Loss Sales... Because of multiple bids and another roofing contractor will close the sale because they insisted with meeting with both home owners...

Here's the secret: Meeting With Homeowners Tip....

Simply when you take the first phone call or confirm the website lead ask what both homeowners names are... Automatically ask when is a good time to meet with both homeowners...

Then offer days, evening or weekend time slot for both homeowners to be present, and Amazingly they will pick a time for both and your can schedule the appointment then...

Just doing this Both Homeowner Meeting with both home owners will allow you to talk with both home owners so you can close the sale...

Just picture it: You are meeting with both homeowners, and you are getting them both excited about buying a roof...

People will look at you in amazement as you When you are closing more sales...

That's not all: you'll also be making more money, PLUS... Getting more referrals...

Isn't that incredible? All these benefits, just from avoiding scheduling roof estimates with only one homeowner?

Now, how would you like to actually ENJOY Selling More Roofing Jobs?

Most people believe you have to drag yourself through the process of going to every roof estimate and just leaving the quote, but I would rather see you Close more roofing sales...

Enjoying Selling more roofs starts here: simply having both homeowners at the closing table...

All you need to do is take photos of the home with your phone...then create a Professional looking contract with your phone...How?

Use a pre-made contract template on your phone with Microsoft Word or Pages.....Then

Simply transfer your contract into a PDF for your new customer to sign....

If you want to experience more fun and joy on your road to Selling more roofs, here's what you do: have an app on your phone so they can sign the contract with a digital signature ...

Simply 'deciding', today, that you CAN enjoy closing more sales, you've just opened your world to creating more wealth, and on your way to building a Terrific business...

Just imagine what your life will look like when going to do a roof estimate or inspection, becomes something you ENJOY....PLUS

On top of it all, you'll also be able live that Lavishly life style that most people want...

It's amazing how many awesome benefits come from simply knowing you can enjoy Selling More Roofing Jobs!

And, it's about to get even better, because now I'll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to Making More Money In The Roofing Business:

WARNING: Without using this tip, you can forget about those other tips I just shared with you... this tip is THAT crucial...

It's the tactic behind ALL success in Selling more roofing jobs because it allows you to Easily Create Professional looking estimates Automatically...

And, GET THIS: This tip puts you on success "auto pilot" on your way to Making More Money In The Roofing Business...

This is the Roofing Estimator Superstar Strategy the best of the best use this, and now so will you.. I call it my Roof Closing Formula...

Here's what you do: Before your appointment have Personalized Pre-made information packages with roofing product literature...

The Number-One Reason Why is to have them choose a roofing product during the appointment....A Sneaky But Ethical Way to start getting those "YES" answers...

Think of it this way: Having your customers imagine you installing their Beautiful new roof using your products... They want to buy a new roof, that's why your there....OK

Here's how it works: You take pictures with a mobile device, Automatically upload them with your mobile app to create the contract...Add the roofing product and include the price...

Send your proposal with your mobile phone, A Simple Way To Instantly create your roofing contract and Immediately send to your customers inbox for their approval...Now

To skyrocket your Roofing Sales success, here's what you do: Have an iPad or Tablet and go through a PowerPoint presentation about your company and your roofing products...Then Uncover the Wants, Fears, Pleasures and Needs of your customer....

A Simple, Never Before Revealed Way to get your customer to say "YES" .... So find out what's important to your customer and build a sales presentation around all the your new customers Desires, let them know you are the right company, and Ask For The Business...

Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER my Selling More Roofing Formula!

My System, which I'm about to cover in detail, is based upon this a Technology tip, and allows you to effortlessly Sell More Roofing Jobs for higher profits..

Everyone may be wondering "What's up all this success?" but you'll KNOW what's up... you've uncovered This "Killer Method" To Closing More Roofing Sales...And

The hidden secret behind the insane success of Dale Carnegie, John H. Patterson have had in the world of Selling... and now YOU have access to my roofing sales method, starting today!

Okay, that was a TON of valuable informationand you may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that's fine:

Basically, this means you have only 2 choices on where to go from here:

Choice 1: Take the information I just gave you, and try to go at this alone...

And who knows? You may get lucky and, one day, see some progress it will take longer, of course, and you'll make a lot of painful mistakes, but you can choose this...

Or, you can take Choice #2 the savvy choice the choice most everyone takes who is ready for roofing sales success...

Let me now show you the most powerful, focused, and simple step-by-step Solution to Running A Roofing Business and Making more roofing sales on the first meeting.

Why go at this alone when I've already done ALL the work for you?

There's no need to scratch your head in frustration, guessing your way to "half way there", because I've already created the IDEAL System for you!

My Roofing Business has a legion of raving fans, because I've tested, perfected, and honed this system down to a work of art and I guarantee it will work for your business.

And I call this one-of-a-kind System...Roofing Estimator Pro

Hi, I'm David Deschaine, the creator of Roofing Estimator Pro...

The Most Efficient Way To Run Your Roofing Business, And Sell More Roofing Jobs Automatically With Roofing Estimator Pro From Any Mobile Device.

This Radically Simple yet effective Roofing Software System will work for you, EVEN IF you are....

A Brand New Roofing Company
If You Are A Small Roofing Company
You Have Always Used Hand Written Contracts
If You Have Never use Any Roofing Software
Even If You Are Not Tech Savvy
Have Tried Other Software But Were NOT Satisfied
You Have Always Done Things The Same Way

EVEN IF you feel as if you've tried absolutely everything!

Before I tell you what Roofing Estimator Pro is, I need to tell you what it ISN'T, so there's no false expectations...

Roofing Estimator Pro is Not Some "Cookie Cutter" Poorly Written Desktop Software Application...

Or A Program That Some Lazy Pseudo-Hacker Stole From Another Software Company...

Listen: You've been lied to enough! It's time to put away the roofing software gimmicks and start using the real deal, that's proven to work?

What makes Roofing Estimator Pro truly unique is the fact that I spent 4+ years working with roofing experts and real-world case studies...

This passionate research revealed SPECIFIC PATTERNS that the truly successful Roofing Contractors do that's virtually hidden from the public!

And now, starting TODAY, their success can be your success.

The strategies of the truly successful can NOW be duplicated easily by you, giving you the freedom to...

Reaping the benefits of Selling More Roofing jobs, And Finally Creating The Life Style You Want And Absolutely Deserve...

Allowing you to Achieve the IDEAL Sized Roofing Business, quicker and far easier than you've ever dreamed possible.

Before we go one step further, I need to be Absolutely 100% honest with you:

I hope you're not one of 'those' you know, someone looking for an Roofing Lead Software or First Page of Google software...

Something you ALREADY KNOW will never, ever work for you in the long run?....NOW, If You Are One Of Those People....

Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Roofing Estimator Pro, because it's not going to give you 'impossible' results just SOLID results...

Then you need to leave this page right now.

Roofing Estimator Pro isn't pie-in-the-sky fantasy land nonsense - it's the real deal, and it's only for folks like you who are really serious about their Roofing Business...

There are no press-a-button answers to succeeding in the Roofing Business nothing in this life is easy, and you know that but THIS is as easy as it gets...

So, if you're like most folks watching this presentation, and you're 100% ready for REAL answers to improve your Roofing Business, here's what you're going to receive:

If YOU Want To:

Completely Organize Your Roofing Business, While Working From Any Computer Or Mobile Device...

A Web-based Customer Management System, That Seamlessly Integrates With QuickBooks....

Revolutionary Integration With Your Website or Blog, That Automatically Sucks In New Customers From The Internet....

Create Roofing Estimates Immediately With Our Mobile App, So You Can Close More Sales On The Spot That Instantly Increases Profits...

Never have To Worry About Losing Any Of Your Files, Our System Has Internal Backups, And Is Completely On Carbonite Autopilot...

Then Roofing Estimator Pro isn't just "a" solution for you it's the ONLY solution for you!

Joe said he is "Amazed At How Fast The System Works" and would recommend Roofing Estimator Pro to any roofing company...

Joshua said "The Mobile App Is Incredible" I easily create estimates within just couple of minutes...

Michelle says "This Is One Of The Best Investment We Have Made" Now our company is growing and we have the Amazing software In Place...

Let's Take A LOOK at what you'll receive today inside your copy of Roofing Estimator Pro Software ... (PHOTO)

Inside The REP Navigation Screen, you'll discover the secret behind Our Virtual Roofing Office That Will Save You Time And Money...(PHOTO)

A Fast And Easy Way To Run Your Roofing Business Completely Through Our "Web-based Administrator Panel"...(PHOTO)

I want you to immediately notice that Roofing Estimator Pro Will Deliver You A "Rich User Experience" So You Will Enjoy Using The System...(PHOTO)

Plus, Roofing Estimator Pro Is Hosted On Amazons Fastest, High-performance Server Network...(PHOTO)

This Also Includes Our "REP Virtual Synchronization" A Powerful, Proven Technique That Magically Connects Your Website & Roofing Software System Together... (PHOTO)

This Will Bring Hot Roofing Leads Off The Internet, Then Automatically Add The Scheduled Appointment Into Your Software So You Can Sell Them A New Roof...(PHOTO)

Next, You Can Download Your Mobile App To Your Phone Or Tablet, And Then You Will Be Introduced To The Only Way To Run A Roofing Business...(PHOTO)

As you've probably noticed by now, Roofing Estimator Pro is by far the easiest and fastest Web-based Roofing Software on the market today...

As it allows you the most efficient way to completely run your roofing business from any computer or mobile device...

And it goes without saying that THIS makes your life MUCH easier...

In fact,You Can Create A Roofing Estimate In 60 Seconds, And Accomplish This With Only 20 Clicks Of A Mouse - This Will Save So Much Time For Your And Your Estimators...

And that's downright incredible, especially since you are estimating and selling 3 - 5 roofs a day, and STILL seeing things like (Bad Roof IMAGES HERE)

Now, you may believe that a System that can do all of that, and much more, costs a pretty penny...

And, in all honesty? It really should.

After all, Roofing Estimator Pro has already helped Hundreds of Roofing Contractors Sell More Roofing Jobs faster and easier than ever YET:

I'll get to the price in just a few moments...

First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind System will deliver to you...

You'll discover the "Estimating Techniques" You Must Avoid In Order To See The Results You Desire...That's Covered In Our Sales Training Area...

And how about the most clever ways possible to Sell More Roofing Jobs WITHOUT Doing Any Additional Work...

That's not all: you'll learn the secret of AVOIDING Duplicate Data Entry and this ALONE is worth the investment in Roofing Estimate Pro...

I won't go into details here, but it's absolutely one of my favorite Money Saving strategies...

PLUS: I'll Be Revealing Exactly How To Use Roofing Estimator Pro...And A Very Specific, Step-by-step Formula That Can Help You Sell More Roofs With REP.

The price of Roofing Estimator Pro sold by itself is $1997 but that price is NOT for you I'll explain why in just a moment...

Yet, you're not just receiving Roofing Estimator Pro today...

Just for watching this entire presentation today, I'd like to give you These of value-added bonuses free of charge, just to help you Get More Roofing Leads And Sell More Roof Jobs even faster:

The first gift you'll be receiving today is The Roofing SEO Blogging System, This is where you learn to Dominate The Local Maps and Rank on the Top Of the Search Engines, And it's normally valued at $97... yours FREE today!

The second gift you'll be receiving today is Responsive WordPress Roofing Theme, Now this Amazing Mobile Optimized Plugin it's normally valued at $97 ... At It's Your Today Absolutely FREE...

The third gift that you'll be receiving today is Instant Roofing Videos Templates, This is a Complete Video Creation Template For Roofing Contractors, it's normally valued at $197... You'll Also Get This Today FREE with your order!

Now you can see why Roofing Estimator Pro is valued at $1997...Even without The Bonuses, It's A Steal at that Price...

And If You Bought The Bonuses By Themselves, Your Total Investment Today Would Be Over $391...

And, if you bought the bonuses along with Roofing Estimator Pro, you're cost would be $1997 + $391 = $2388...

However, just for watching this presentation today, I have a much better deal coming your way so keep watching, because it won't last much longer...

Of course, you could choose to continue down the path you're on Right Now...

And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you'll make today in Roofing Estimator Pro in The Near Future In The Form Of Marketing Cost, Administrative Fees Or Lost Sales...

Or, perhaps Those Software Programs...Not "Roofing Software"...NO...These Are The Ones You Are Forced To Buy, And Try To Make It Work For Your Roofing Business?

And let's not EVEN talk about the Wasted Weekly Payroll Cost From Duplicate Data Entry, Lost Roofing Sales, And You Constantly Micromanaging Working 24/7...

And That Isn't What I Want For You

So, Let's Just Make This A Really Easy Decision, Okay?

I Feel You Deserve to Know Why I'm offering you such a Massive Discount Today...

Let me share my Dream with You... it's a CAUSE I'm inviting you to Join Today, along with the hundreds of others who are Ready To:

Launch Their Roofing Business Into The 21st Century...

And Stop Wasting Time And Money, Simply Open Your Virtual Roofing Office Then Dominate Your Local Areas...

And, Above All, Share Your New Found Success With The Roofing Industry!

Recently I was inspired to Start a "Cause"... on that would Eliminate Having Expensive In-House Servers... and that means:

Creating A Web-based Roofing Software System That Absolutely Runs My Office, And I Can Connect With Any Mobile Device - Can you picture it with me?

Once I had Completed This Incredible Software and Mobile App System, I Dedicated Myself To Helping Every Roofing Contractor In The Country Open A Virtual Office...

Since Then, Iv'e Help Hundreds And Hundreds Of Roofing Contractors Launch Their Virtual Office... Yet, I Thought Hundreds Was A Great Start...BECAUSE:

There Are Over 180,000 Roofing Companies In The United States, That Could Benefit Using This Amazing Software...

I Decided I Absolutely NEED to let as many Roofing Contractors like you Join This Cause... A Cause I Call:

The 21st Century Roofer!

The Good News?

That means a MUCH Lower Price For You Today...Because I want you to Join My Cause, and I Don't Want "Finances" To Stop Anyone!

That Means You Will Not Be Paying the Retail Value of $2388 for Roofing Estimator Pro Today...

Not even close.

It's not even going to be HALF that price...

As ridiculous as it sounds, you won't even pay $1194 today!

Today only, and Only from this Presentation, Your Total Investment in Roofing Estimator Pro, including ALL the bonuses valued at $391, is ONLY:

Just $997 and $97 A Month

This Is A NO Risk Investment...

Click on the Add To Cart Button Below to lock in your discounted price today for only a $997 Payment Today...

Listen: Don't decide Right Now... Take Advantage Of My Unconditional "Triple Guarantee" Which Means Three Diffrent Ways Of Your Satifaction

Just try Roofing Estimator Pro For A Full 60 Days...

If You Are not Absolutely Thrilled Or Does Not Do What You Expect In Those 60 Short Days... OR:

If You Do Not Find Our Software & Training To Your Satisfaction Top-Notch... OR:

Hey, even if you don't like the way I talk! If you are not 100% satisfied in EVERY way, I'll gladly refund your purchase price:

No Questions Asked, No Hassles, And No Hard Feelings...

Have a look below this video NOW:

Click on the Yellow button that says Add To Cart and lock in your discounted Price Today!

A Fast And Easy Way To Run You Roofing Business And Work Less!!

Joe said he is "Amazed At How Fast The System Works" and would recommend Roofing Estimator Pro to any roofing company...

Michelle says "This Is One Of The Best Investments We Have Made" Now our company is growing and we have this amazing software In place...

AND, if you act today, right now, BEFORE this presentation ends or you leave this page ...

I'm going to include this SUPER BONUS worth $197... absolutely FREE:

And THAT brings your Total Value to over $1085...

By acting today, only on this page, you will get it ALL -- Roofing Estimator Pro, plus the bonuses for just A Payment $997 Today and $97/month...

Remember: It's not just a fantastic bargain you'll be receiving today...

You'll be joining In on The First Ever Roofing Software Community In History...

Not to mention the fact you'll make a whole new group of Roofing Contractor friends that will help you progress, stay inspired, and have more fun along the road to success!

For INSTANT ACCESS to everything, Click on the Yellow Button that says "Add To Cart" To Claim Your Discounted Price NOW...

You'll be granted immediate access to everything: Roofing Estimator Pro, and all the bonuses... PLUS:Remember: this includes, today only, your "Super Bonus": 2nd Instant Roofing Video Template, worth $197!

Accomplish This FAST In Just Five Easy Steps...

Here's what will happen the moment you Click The Yellow "Add To Cart" Button below this video:

Step #1

First, you'll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this:

Step #2

Then, Simply Click The Button That Says "Register Your Free Software Here" It Will Look Like This:

Step #3

Then, You'll Be Sent To The Roofing SEO Blogging System... It Will Look Like This:

Step #4

Then, Check Your Email For More Your Thank You Email, Which Looks Like This:

Step #5

Finally, Your You Will Be Sent To This Information Form Page, Which Looks Like This:

It's That Simple!

Remember: You've been struggling with Not Having Roofing Software far too long...

And the pain of continuing without taking action will only lead to more despair, more frustration...

And continued Wasting Time, Money And Losing Out On Roofing Sales...

YET: You can choose instead to use the Quick-Start Videos found in Roofing Estimator Pro and experience something totally unique...

Picture Right Now The Moment You Finally Have The Answer You've Been Looking For, As You Being Your Journey To Selling More Roofs Using Your Virtual Roofing Office...

You feel alive...Full of hope and optimism...

You are living the Successful Roofing Contractor lifestyle, and enjoying every second of it...

You are Experiencing The Benefits Of Your Smart Business Decisions, And Reaping The Rewards That You Deserve - At Long Last!

Yes, it's true: Your Unorganized Roofing Sales Department, up until today, has largely been no fault of your own...

Yes, you've been told a pack of lies in the past about Selling Roofs That Did Not Include Over Head and Profits... from either crooks or well-intentioned but misinformed folks...

And there's That Dreaded Idea Of Selling & Installing Roofs At The Lowest, And Then Try To Make It Up In Volume Plan, That Did Nothing But Backfire In Your Face...

And Then There's All Those False Promises No One Stands Behind...

However, Today Marks Your Day To Take Responsibility...

To Take The Action Necessary To Put An End To The Lies, And Begin A New Roofing Sales Plan THAT SIMPLY WORKS!

Here's the GOOD NEWS: unlike all those ridiculous Roofing Business gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you::

Try Roofing Estimator Pro For 60 Full Days, On Me... And See The Results You Desire, Or You Pay Nothing!

PLUS you're always just minutes away from an answer from our friendly support staff!

Immediately After You Buy, You Need To Go To The Members Area And Register Your New Software...

Head over to The Web-based Software Training so you can discover how to login to your new software... this will ENSURE you get started quickly...

PLUS...Watch The Informative Training Videos Because They Will Instantly Help You, So You Too Can Experience The Power Of Roofing Estimator Pro For Your Roofing Business...

Remember: Along with Roofing Estimator Pro and All The Bonuses There Is Sales training Videos Deigned To Help You Close More Roofing Sales That, You'll Also Be Receiving...




Just do not put this off one second longer... and here's WHY:

First, as you will recall, I lowered the price of Roofing Estimator Pro for you by over 50% Percent... just so you can get in today...

Just know this: I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value, as it's really a massive discount I'm offering you...

So you must act now before I have to do that... it may be today, tomorrow, or in a few weeks...

Also, you don't want to feel left out if my free Super Bonus, 2nd Instant Roofing Video Template is no longer available, as it won't be for much longer, at least for FREE...

Only the first-comers get access to this bonus... everyone else will be out of luck...

And, let's remember: unless you take action now, today, you may NEVER take action...

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